Friday, March 23, 2007

Still Alive

Seems to be a repeating pattern with the Buckeyes this sports season. Ranked #1 for most of it and then . . . Let's hope the hoopster Buckeyes complete the task. To date, though, they have made my life a little tooooo frenetic.
Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to close your eyes because they did not want you to peak too soon for the impending treat that you were sure was gonna be the best one of your life? Excitement was in the air. You knew darn well that you could not last as long as they wanted you to. I suspect that they also knew of the temptations to check things out before the designated time. Strange how they judged our attention span to be that of theirs.
At any rate, my experience was that in a matter of seconds I was peaking through the cracks of my hands to secure a glance at what was great expectation. Never to be disappointed. And, the Buckeyes are treating me the same way this BB season. When you are on top of the heap great expectations are attached to the top award. Expectations great or small are not to be trailing by 20 points. Not in the first half, never. Those cracks between the fingers diminish almost to the point of totally blocking all that was to be seen.

Most times it gets to be a bit much because of the lateness of the night, the irregular play of the putative heroes and maybe some previous late night celebratory tennis shenanigans. The penalty of the actions is, of course, the trepidation the following morning reading about the outcome. O, joyous day! They have risen once again. Only to put me through this again Saturday? Hopefully, not.

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